Group Triathlon Coaching
Runcamp: Efficiency based run training, including specific drills, strength drills and run focuses that you can take to the races.
Bootcamp: A High Intensity Half Ironman - Ironman Triathlon distance training session. The Bootcamp is a 2.5 hour session that includes spin training, , core, strength and speed work. Join some like minded athletes for a friendly environment to keep up your winter training. Triathlon is a sport that is completely individual, but it is the social connections that help you get to where you want to go.
Personal Program: If you are looking for personal program planning for this years racing, any distance, just contact Gail Flint and she will look at your schedule and how to best fit your training into your life. Gail can provide a balanced program to suit your needs and still keep you moving forward towards this years goals, your goals do not need to be Triathlon related.
Personal Training Gail Flint offers personal training for sport specific conditioning, body building, and general fitness training. If it has been a while since you have worked out and need someone to get you on the right track Contact Gail Flint.
Group Fitness Leader Gail Flint is AFLCA certified in group fitness and is working on her strength training certification.
Group Rides - always a great time to get a long workout with friends. Wonderful sites to see.
Upcoming Events include Golden Triangle Bike Tour and Death Race Training Camp. Death Race Teams are also being formed, get in on yours.